Conclusion: People Prayer 

As you begin to spend time with God, settle yourself somewhere quiet and comfortable. Take a few deep breaths. Spend a few moments gathering your thoughts, becoming aware of God’s presence with you and in you.
Journal for 5 minutes on yesterday’s experiment of thanking God in unpleasant circumstances. What did you notice and learn? What challenged you? Did God say anything to you throughout the day?
Then, journal for 10 minutes about what you learned from this 21-day devotional on prayer. What truths/practices encouraged you? What truths/practices challenged you? What are some things you want to take away and continue doing from these last 21 days? 

Read:Luke 11:1-4John 15:1-11Psalm 1:3
Prayer is something that we do but a people of prayer is who we are. That is who God is making you to be: a person who knows Him. A person who learns and longs to spend more and more moments of each day with Him. We hope that after 21 days you realize that the most important thing about prayer is not being able to talk about prayer or knowing a lot about prayer but about actually praying.
So, we encourage you, keep praying. Keep seeking God. Keep being with Him. Keep being honest with Him. Come to Him with all of your thoughts, emotions, and desires. Push through any fear, guilt, or shame. He will not turn you away. Stay constant as the seasons change. He is so very attentive and aware. Just keep on returning back to God every moment of the day. What could satisfy your heart better? What more could there be in life than to know and be known by God? As Brother Lawrence once wrote, "There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful, than that of continual conversation with God." 

As we mentioned on day one, prayer is about realizing that God is already attentive to us, and then it is us being attentive to Him in response with our words, listening, and presence. What a sweet and delightful life, and it is available to us right now. God is available to you right now, where you are, in this very moment. Put this devotional down. Turn your attention up and in. Be attentive to God. He is attentive to you. Keep on praying. Let's be a people of prayer.

By Rev. Christian Dawson, Campus Pastor