Day 10: When God Doesn’t Fit

 Jonah is such an interesting character in the Bible. He is a horrible prophet, to say the least. As a prophet, Jonah’s one job is to hear what God says and go say it. It should not be that difficult, yet Jonah makes a huge mess of the one thing he is called to do. Have you ever watched someone do something stupid and all you can do is ask “Why”? Anyone with siblings should be able to relate. I have always read Jonah and just wondered why he did what he did. Oddly enough, Jonah gives an answer.

Read Jonah 1-4
Essentially, Jonah ran from God because he did not like how God operates. That seems so very simple, but it is also so very honest. How often is that you or me? I hear God’s voice. I know what He thinks. I know what He wants. I know what He says about something, yet I disobey. I disobey God because I dislike how God does things. If Jonah shows us anything about God, it is that sometimes God just doesn’t fit into the way we have our life planned out.
Questions to Consider
How will we respond in those moments when God’s plans don’t fit into our own? What did Jonah learn about God’s character and what can I learn about God’s character that would help me trust and obey him?
Jesus, you don’t always do what I like but I know you always do what’s best. Help me to see everything in my life from that vantage point. 

By Christian Dawson, Campus Pastor