Day 12: Not Lucky, Loved
Read Genesis 19:15-16
In this passage, we see a microcosm of God’s grace and goodness on display in how he interacts with Lot. This is how we see the Lord’s goodness: undoubtedly knowing that Abraham was concerned for his nephew, God honored his relationship with Abraham by sparing Lot and his family from being destroyed along with Sodom. For you and I, this shows how deeply God cares for his children (us!), and how even when acting in full justice and fairness, he still takes time to listen to our pleas and show mercy.
In this we also see God’s grace: he did not owe Abraham or Lot anything, but lovingly and kindly chose to save Lot and his family, in spite of Lot’s hesitation and the future sin between him and his daughters (Gen 19:30-38). When you receive anything good, know that it graciously comes from the Father of lights (James 1:17), who, though he does not owe you anything, loves you deeply and desires the best for you. Jesus didn’t come to earth, bringing healing and eternal salvation for untold numbers of people, out of obligation to us. Rather, he did it out of intimate love for us.
Questions to Consider
As you reflect on these precious truths of God’s goodness and grace, ask yourself this question: “Do I hesitate to obey the Lord when he directs me (like Lot did in this story), and do I receive his grace well?”
Jesus, grant that as your child, loved and regarded by you, I will learn to cultivate an attitude of humility and obedience in response to your goodness. Teach me to let go of the things of this world and hold fast to you, and to live in gratitude and contentment for all that you are and all that you do.
By Jonathan Stariha, Northwest University Student, Intercultural Studies major