Day 12: Praying Scripture
As you begin to spend time with God, settle yourself somewhere quiet and comfortable. Take a few deep breaths. Spend a few moments gathering your thoughts, becoming aware of God’s presence with you and in you.
Journal for 5 minutes on yesterday’s experiment of repentance. What did you notice and learn? What challenged you? Did God say anything to you throughout the day?
Then, begin today’s devotional.
Read: Hebrews 4:12, Acts 4:24-30, Psalm 2
Praying Scripture is a powerful tool for empowered and authentic communication with our Father. Do you know that the Scriptures, God’s stories, His words, are actually alive? There are many different approaches to reading the Bible—reading it like a history book, reading it like a piece of literature, reading it to find words of inspiration, and reading it as a practical manual for life.
Another way to read the Bible is to use it as a guide for our prayer life. Do you ever struggle to find the words you long to say to God? Maybe you’re in a season of heartbreak and no words seem to describe the depth of how you feel. Maybe you’re in the best season of your life and you can’t find enough ways to express your gratitude to God. The Scriptures contain living words you can pray from both these heart positions and more.
John Piper in an interview said, “If we don’t form the habit of praying the Scriptures, our prayers will almost certainly degenerate into vain repetitions that eventually revolve entirely around our immediate private concerns, rather than God’s larger purposes…all of the Bible leads us to praise God, thank God, cry to God, and confess to God.”
There is rich precedence for this practice. Throughout the New Testament, the Church would pray Old Testament Scriptures to God. It is beneficial for us to take notice of this for two reasons: 1) The Church was uniting themselves with the greater story of God by connecting to those who had come before them, and 2) The Scriptures gave the church insight into what God was saying about different situations. By praying God’s Word aloud, we are able to declare victory—His victory—into every circumstance.
For some, praying Scripture may be something you grew up with in your church tradition. Your challenge is to allow God to breathe life into the Scriptures so that they may speak to you once again. For others, this concept may be new and seem forced or uncomfortable. Your challenge is to begin personally praying Scripture—possibly starting with journaling through the Psalms.
Prayer/Today’s Experiment: Read Psalm 13. This is a good passage to pray when it feels like God is distant or silent. Pray the prayer below that incorporates Psalm 13 for yourself or someone you know.
Father, why does it feel like you’ve left me? I’m praying and asking for direction, and yet You keep silent. My situation feels like too much right now. Where are You? Please show up as I cry out to You. Would You bring clarity to my current situation? I don’t want to make a decision that will cause division in my relationship with You. Can You help me? I trust You. I know Your love is for me at all times. I’ll praise You even though it doesn’t make sense in this moment. I know You are consistent in Your character from how You’ve walked with me in the past. I trust You. Please make my faith steadfast. Amen.
Try this again sometime this week with another passage of Scripture, making it into your own prayer.
By Brittany Rosas, Ministry Team Coordinator