Day 17: Hope in God’s Faithfulness
Lamentations, a book in the Old Testament, paints a dark, sad picture of life in Jerusalem after the Babylonian invasion. Sadness and suffering filled the heart of the people and it seemed that God was not paying attention. Yet, the author of Lamentations dared to hope.
Read Lamentations 3:21-24
When life is difficult, it is easy to despair, but hope is possible.
Hope comes when we reflect on God’s unfailing love in the past. He offered the gift of salvation to us and we accepted. When we remember God presence, His guidance, and His provision of strength during hard times, we are encouraged to carry on.
Thinking about the future can make us anxious as we realize that we are not in control. God has been faithful in the past and we can trust Him with the big and small details of the unknown future.
God’s merciful love is new every morning and that helps us to face whatever comes our way each day. Hope comes from the time spent with God, in His word and in conversation with Him. Psalm 27:8 says “My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming’” (NLT).
In the busyness of life, God longs for us to stop, listen and reflect on His faithfulness. Time with God will fill us with hope for today and tomorrow.
Question to Consider
When you reflect on the past, where can you see God’s faithfulness?
Jesus, you have been faithful to me in the past. Thank you for filling my heart with hope as I face challenges today, and I know I can trust my future to you because you are my faithful God.
By Lynette Sorenson, Education Technologist in the Northwest University IT Department