Day 17: Phoning It In

 Read Isaiah 55:1-14

It had been a long, hard wilderness season. I was tired of disappointment, rejection, frustration, the answer “no”, and the answer “wait.” I was tired of faithfully reading my bible, journaling and praying in my morning devotions, and trusting God to “work all things for good” – with life still feeling anything but good. I was so tired of it all that I just decided to stop talking with God. Like a petulant child, I said, “God, I’m gonna tune out for awhile. I need a break.” Wow. Talk about arrogance!
In the midst of my “faith break,” I maintained one spiritual discipline. I stayed on as a high school girls Life Group leader. This discipline required me to give a cursory reading of the scripture text for each week and provide basic leadership for group prayer. For most of those weeks, I was merely phoning it in, hoping that the girls wouldn't notice. On a superficial level, it seemed like a relief to "turn off" my relationship with God. But truthfully, I was no more content or at peace than I had been before.
About three months into this little experiment, I read something that quite literally brought me to my knees: “Give ear and come to Me, Listen to me, that your soul may live” (Isa. 55:3). I realized with a jolt, that my soul was dying and I desperately wanted it to live. I wanted to live. Later in that chapter, God reminded me through Isaiah that “ thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways” (v. 8) and “ is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (v. 11).
Questions to Consider: 
Reflect on any spiritual disciplines you practice that are especially life-giving to you. Are there spiritual disciplines that have gone dormant in your life? Are there ways you might revive a spiritual discipline to breathe life into your soul?

Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, even when I forget you, turn away from you, or grow lazy in my pursuit of you, thank you for never letting me go. I am thankful that your ways are higher than mine and that You always accomplish your good purposes. Give me more faith. 

By Chrystal Helmcke