Day 18: The Simple Heart

 What exactly is this discipline of simplicity? Is it some sort of minimalist, religious attempt at a de-cluttered life style for one’s self? Not quite. It’s actually the opposite of minimalism’s focus on self-fulfillment. It’s all about putting God on the throne.

The discipline of simplicity aims to rid your life of distractions in order to have more space to focus on God. Just like fasting takes your reliance off of food and human provision, living simply gives God center stage. It’s an outward action of simplifying one’s belongings to make an inward impact of Christ’s presence on the heart.
Have you ever heard the saying “a thankful heart is a happy heart”? Why is it that we thank God for food before we eat each meal? It redirects our praise back to God. Rather than living under a false impression that we have provided for ourselves, we are able to recognize that it’s by God’s hand that we have food, shelter, family, etc. But, as we begin to build up earthly belongings, it can be easy to forget who provided in the first place. We become so easily distracted, just like the Israelites worshipping their man-made idols.
Read Matthew 19:16-24, Matthew 6:19-24
In Matthew 19, we read of the rich young ruler who thought he had it all going for him because of his status and “holiness.” But in Matthew 6, Jesus brings us back to what truly matters:
The rich young ruler was distracted, blinded by his earthly wealth. He completely missed the point when talking to Jesus. He was so caught up in reaching heaven; that he seemed to miss who he was talking to; Jesus, the Son of God. He missed out on the true treasure in that moment.
What does matter? Storing up our treasures in heaven, things of eternity! Worshipping God is eternal. That will be our only agenda when we are in heaven, knowing our heavenly Father. Human souls are eternal. Do we spend more time investing in the people around us or on our phones, worrying about image, etc.?
There is nothing wrong from taking joy in the things God has blessed us with. But when those temporary gadgets, foods, trips, and clothing begin to sit on the thrones of our hearts, it’s time for a good reality check.
Questions to consider:
What are a few practical ways I can live simply to give God more space in my life? Are there material items I can’t live without? How do I spend my time? Do I place things before God? What sits on the throne of my heart?
God, thank you that you have blessed me and provided me with so much for my enjoyment. Thank you that my joy comes from you and not from the things of this world. Help me to have a simple heart, one that keeps you on the throne. And if my priorities get confused, help me to be reminded of what truly matters, the things that are of you. 

By Brittany Basso