Day 19: Missional Living

 One of the best things about getting to know a person is learning about their passions, dreams, and inspirations. There is nothing quite like the joy that comes from seeing someone succeed. My sister’s a volleyball player. I will never forget the heart-filling, proud, emotional joy that came with seeing her varsity team win the state championship.

Isn’t it amazing that those dreams and passions were put there by God? They are little gifts He’s blessed you with. What are those passions for you? Sports, music, art, dance, cooking, math, writing, worship, relationship building, orphans, homeless communities, etc. Each of these areas is a place of creativity for bringing people to Jesus.
Sometimes we forget how much the simple, every day things we do are the perfect setting to love others to Jesus. I worked with a missionary whose entire ministry was built on a focus of Parkour. He uses it as his home base for ministering to the most unlikely of people. Young men who have been turned away by the rules of church are coming to know God through worshiping him on the Parkour park. I call that Creative Ministry.
Where do you encounter non-Christians in your daily life? Is it at your job, at a coffee shop, at the gym you go to, etc. Perhaps it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and speak to the nameless bodies you sit by each week. Or maybe a relationship is already built and it’s time to be brave by engaging in conversations that lead to the sometimes-uncomfortable discussions about Jesus. Let’s use the creative tools God’s given us as a foundation for making Him known.
For some reason, we get so caught up in the idea that we aren’t ready. As my good friend, Macray Jerome, likes to quote “Be present where your feet are planted.” Allow the Spirit of God to lead you into conversations you’ve never had before in places that may seem all too familiar. You don’t have to leave your home in order to start spreading the name of Jesus. Dream about the future, but 
see those who you are presently with.
Read: Matthew 28:19-201 Corinthians 10:31

  1. Sharing Jesus and His gospel with others can take place everywhere you go.

  2. All things were created by God for His purposes so we can use everything as a resource for His glorification.

Questions to consider:
What creative giftings, passions, and dreams do I have that can be used to glorify God? Am I being attentive to the Spirit and listening to His direction when I’m with non-believers?
God, thank you that you made me uniquely in your image with certain passions, talents, and dreams. I pray that you would help me to see how I can use the things you’ve placed upon my heart for your glory. Help me to see people who need you and have courage to step out in faith. Keep my heart attentive to your spirit and my desires aligned with yours.

By Brittany Basso, Northwest University student in the College of Arts and Sciences