Day 22: Reconciling

 Perhaps you’ve found yourself praying this ancient prayer: “God, why is this happening to me?” I will admit, I’ve found myself uttering these words from time to time. From a broken down car and an empty bank account, to a family member receiving a serious medical diagnosis, we are faced with difficulty throughout life. In the face of pain or heartache, how do we reconcile that God is good despite the fallen world around us?

David knew something about suffering. God had ordained David to be the next king of Israel, but the current king, Saul, was dead-set on David’s destruction. David ran from Saul for what some scholars believe was up to four years. Four years of waiting on God’s fulfillment of promises; four years of difficulty and struggle. Yet, in this time, David wrote many of the most beautiful psalms of hope and faith. He chose to see God’s goodness and remember His promises despite the struggle and adversity around him.
If anyone can identify with us in our sufferings, Jesus can. Through His death on the cross, He experienced the weight of all sin and shame. Jesus has not promised us a perfect life, but He has promised to be with us through His presence and Holy Spirit. In difficult times, we can hold on to His promise from John 16: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Read Psalm 86:1-13
Question to Consider: 
How can I better trust the Lord to prove Himself faithful in the midst of struggle?

Lord, help me to remember you are with me in every difficulty I face. I am not alone. Thank you for your hope and peace.

By Abigail Stovall