Day 25: Trust His Hands

 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”   - John 16:33 (ESV)

The Bible is full of verses like this one. Jesus repeatedly told us to not worry or stress about things out of our control because HE HAS ALREADY OVERCOME THEM. In my life, this has been a challenging task. Just when life is going well and we are in a good rhythm with God, work, school, relationships, and church, something big happens that shakes us.
What do we do? Maybe we pray, talk to others and ask them to pray, or turn to the Word of God. But most people go through a process of deciding how they are going to fix the situation themselves. When I look back on the situations I have been in, I realize that nothing I did helped.  Only the things I let Jesus do through me helped. Jesus is telling us not to fear, but to trust in him.
What does this look like? Many wise people in my life keep asking me the same question. If you truly believe in God’s ability to bring good out of this situation, then leave it in his hands. So why are you stressed about it? If you prayed and said that you trust him, then leave it there. Each one of us will go through rough times and we will process it uniquely, with different emotions. This is good. Trust that God has it and leave it with him. And remember: TAKE HEART; [JESUS HAS] OVERCOME THE WORLD.
Question to Consider
What thing have come up that you have struggled to hand over completely to God? What is one step you could take to trust him more, ultimately leaving it in his hands?
Jesus, you are always there when I need you, and I thank you for that. I struggle often but I am trusting that you are there. Take this burden from me, because I know you have already overcome the world.

By Chelsea Skinner, Mathematics Major at Northwest University