Day 28: Rejoicing With Others

 Have you ever had a friend who celebrated other’s victories well? No matter what they experience in life they live out Romans 12:15: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; (and) mourn with those who mourn.” These types of friends are rarely come by but are loved for their genuine purity of heart. They are the people who make living in community such a rewarding gift from God.

We’d all like to say that we qualify as this type of friend. However, all too often the thief known as comparison slithers its way into the conversation. Comparison of one’s circumstances comes from misplaced identity. Rather than living in the freedom of contentment as a child of God, comparison promotes worth according to the size of each person’s earthly rewards.
In Matthew 20, we read a story about workers in a vineyard in which Jesus shared with his disciples when Peter asked what they would receive in the kingdom of heaven.
Read Matthew 20:1-16
The first hired workers were so blinded by their idea of fair that they failed to see the generous heart of their master. Rather than celebrating the provision and blessing he gave to the last workers, the first workers were overcome by a spirit of jealousy and comparison. But these spirits don’t align with that of our heavenly Father.
Read Philippians 4:19Matthew 7:11
This is our Father! He promises to meet all of our needs. He is the provider. He is the giver of good gifts. Our God is a God of abundance. His love is completely for you as an individual just as much as it’s completely for His other children. There is no fear that God will run out of love. When God blesses others it doesn’t diminish the ways in which He will also bless me. Rather, there is freedom to rejoice with others whom God loves.
Questions to consider:
In what areas of your life have you compared your circumstances, talents, opportunities, etc. to others? How can you be thankful for the circumstances God has given you? How can you celebrate others well?
Lord, comparison robs me of the joy of what you’re doing in me. Thank you that your provision is on my life. You see me and you know me individually. Help me to celebrate others well. 

By Brittany Basso