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 Day 3 - How Do I Know God Is Speaking?

As you begin to spend time with God, settle yourself somewhere quiet and comfortable. Take a few deep breaths. Spend a few moments gathering your thoughts, becoming aware of God’s presence with you and in you. 
Journal for 5 minutes on yesterday’s reflection and practice. What did you think about and learn? What challenged you? Did God say anything to you throughout the day? 
Then, begin today’s devotional. 
Read: Isaiah 30:21
​"and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: 'This is the way. Walk in it.'"
Perhaps you have had experiences like these: you wake up remembering an unusual dream, you see/hear something in your day and wonder if it is a sign from God, you hear the same Scripture multiple times in the span of a week, you are in chapel and you hear a voice (audible or not), or a thought pops into your head that is so random you question where it came from. 
There are times in life when you know without a doubt that God is speaking to you. But what about the times when you kind of think He is, but you aren’t completely sure? How do you find clarity in this uncertainty?   
The following actions can help: 

  • Allow God to clarify through obedience. Take action. Often, God gives us inclinations and we in turn overthink them, making it much more complicated than it is (“I need to know for SURE before I do anything”). Just do something and see how God either affirms the decision or redirects you. Sometimes our inclinations are God’s invitations. 

  • Hold it up to Scripture. Does what you think you may be hearing align with Scripture? Is it congruent with the character of God or not? This measurement can help to discern very quickly if it is God who is speaking.

  • Listen. Today, we (including myself) are dreadful when it comes to listening to God (quieting ourselves and our surroundings). Most of us do not have a problem expressing our hearts in prayer, making our requests, and fervently asking for an answer. But we are quick to move on after our “Amen”. Sit, meditate, and listen for God to respond before rushing to the next thing in your day.

  • Consider the barrier of sin. Is it possible that the sin in your life is keeping you from hearing God’s voice? If God is close to the righteous, how might sin be influencing your ability to discern?   ​

  • Share in community. The Holy Spirit speaks not only to and through individuals, but also to and through communities. Share your inclinations with trusted brothers and sisters and see if God provides clarity through the affirmation of His Body. 

My Father who hears me and speaks to me, You hold everything together. In Your strong right hand, I will not be shaken. Help me to be still in this moment, to quiet my mind and calm my body. You are speaking and it is my desire to follow Your will for my life. My mind is steadfast and I trust You.   

Take  a few moments to journal through the following question(s).  

  • Have you ever felt unsure if God was speaking to you? What was that like?  

  • Sometimes we think that God wants to make hearing His voice difficult. What are your feelings and beliefs about how God wants to communicate with you?  

Today’s Practice:  
Is there anything you think God might be speaking to you about right now? Go through the list above and measure the word you are hearing by the standards given. Act in obedience upon the word you think you have received from the Lord. Pay attention to ways in which the Lord affirms if this word was from Him.  
By Blake Small, Director of Multicultural Life