Day 3: Self-Talk
Do you ever talk to yourself? I do, especially when I am alone. When I take a walk during the day, I like to review events from that morning or the day before. I’ll think about a problem that I need to solve (“I wonder if the better solution is to…”) or give myself an affirming pep talk (“I think that presentation was fine, but next time I’ll do…”).
This practice of talking to yourself, either silently or aloud, is known as “self-talk”. The messages we give ourselves, whether positive or negative, can be powerful. As disciples of Jesus, we need to consider how our self-talk affects us. We can also use self-talk to help ourselves practice our faith, as a sort of spiritual pep talk.
David demonstrates positive self-talk in several psalms, especially Psalm 104: “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” David knows that sometimes we forget to express our gratitude to God. Notice that David begins this psalm with an affirming pep talk to his soul: “Self, don’t forget to praise the Lord!” Of course, David’s list of blessings is also awesome: forgiveness, healing, redemption, love, good things, renewal.
What about you? What pep talk can you give to your soul today?
Read Psalm 104:1-5
Question to Consider:
How can you encourage your soul (yourself) to remember what the Lord has done for you?
Jesus, thank you for all you’ve done for me. I know that sometimes I need to remind myself to praise you. Help me to do this and to talk to myself in positive ways.
By Teresa Gillespie, Dean of the College of Business