Day 30: Sit Back and Relax
I have learned the power of Sabbath in my life. As an extroverted person by nature, it can be very difficult for me to convince myself to sit down, take time, read a book, and be alone. I constantly want to keep going, doing one more thing, checking one more item off my ever-growing list of things to get done.
Jesus, however, suggests that we do something a little differently. He calls us to work, and work is a vital part of life, but we are also called to rest. To sit back, relax, remember why we are working so hard in the first place. After creating the world in Genesis 2, God rested. In Luke 8, Jesus takes a nice nap in the middle of a storm, right before calming the waters he is floating on.
Sabbath is not only a time to relax and recuperate from what is happening in your life, but is also a time for the Lord to prepare you for what he is planning next, just as God was preparing Jesus to calm the storm that was beginning to rage. I don’t know about you, but some of my strongest moments of clarity closely follow my times of rest.
Taking time to rest is not easy, especially in this season of life full of essays and events and friends to spend time with, but I challenge you: take time to Sabbath, find some time to spend just you and God. Read your bible, listen to worship music, or just take time to be still. Take time to rest today for 30 minutes and see how much better you feel and how much more ready you are to face the rest of the tasks you have lined up for today.
Jesus, help me to recognize the importance of resting and taking time to reflect on You. Prepare me for my week ahead as I take time to intentionally lean into you. Amen.
By Alleigha Bizik, Psychology Major at Northwest University