Day 31: Besties
Best friends are an incredible gift. Although the term is so overused in our culture today, a best friend knows you just about as well as a Seattleite knows the 12 nearest coffee shops within walking distance. Your best friend is someone you share everything with: The good and the ugly, the things your proud of and the things you wish you could erase. There is nothing they don’t know about you.
No one would conclude that interacting with someone only once or twice a week would get you a new best friend. Becoming someone’s best friend takes a lot of snapchats, a lot of hours over FaceTime, and a lot of 1AM Taco Bell runs. Becoming best friends takes time.
Although I know it takes a lot of intentional interaction to become best friends, I rarely find myself pursuing my spiritual friendship with Jesus like I do with my best friend. I see myself putting in the same intentionality and effort that I would with an acquaintance and yet expecting to know, understand, and converse with Jesus like He’s my best friend.
What about you? Have you ever been frustrated and felt like you weren’t as good of friends with Jesus as you wanted to be? Have you considered the maybe you’re putting less into your relationship with Jesus than you put into your relationship with your bestie, but are still expecting impressive results?
Read John 15:4
Question to Consider:
What does it look like to abide in Jesus in your own life?
Jesus, I know I want to follow you, and I know I love you. Help me to spend intentional, one-on-one time with you. Help me to know you, not just as an acquaintance, but as my best friend.
By Jacob Kicha