Day 32: Walking With God
Read Genesis 5:24; Genesis 6:9
“Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”
We all want to be the hare, and not the tortoise. I get it. Waiting is difficult sometimes. We want to sprint the whole time, having the crowd cheering for those ten glorious seconds. Then the race be over, and we win. We want maximum return with the least amount of effort. Sign me up for that.
If only the world worked like that. If only our faith and relationship with God worked like that. God might call us to sprint at times here and there, but most of the time, he is calling us to walk. There is nothing glamorous about walking. Usually, no one gives prizes for staying true and faithful to walking. Except, we win the greatest prize there is of being with God all our days. Slow and steady. Us and Him. Intimately knowing our Father because we have spent a lifetime walking together.
God is in the business of the long game. God is eager to see our lives transformed one step at a time. One decision at a time, He molds us into the image of Jesus during our walk with Him. Imagine for a second, at the end of your days, as your legacy is being remembered, people stopping to remark, ‘Wow, they walked with God all their days.’
So today, go on a walk with God. Take one step in him, with him, and through him. Your Father is madly in love with you and cherishes time spent with you. In his presence, true life, joy, peace, direction, patience, and love are found, and he wants all that for you today, tomorrow, and the day after, in the next step, five steps down the road, five years from now, as a spouse, a parent, a leader, a servant, and then in whatever step comes after that.
So what are you waiting for? Take one step.
Question to Consider:
How will you take the "one step" with God today? This week?
Lord, allow me to take steps in a positive direction with you today—no backpedaling or detours. May my walk with you inspire others to follow you along life’s path.
By Micah Lorenz