Day 33: The Bitter Truth

 There is a new curse that is plaguing our community. Bitterness. There is nothing about it that is appealing, but we cling to it as though it is our lifeline. The reality of bitterness though, is that the only person affected by your bitterness is you. I have started to notice a pattern in my life: the bitterness that I feel towards people doesn’t actually affect them whatsoever. But it affects me. My whole life is changed when I begin to feel bitter towards other people. That is when my life changes. I become colder and shorter and harsher with not only them, but the other people in my community as well. I begin to see everything they do as a way to get under my skin or make me mad. Bitterness doesn’t change the way they live their life, but it does change the way that I live mine.

Next time you are feeling bitter towards someone, here are a few things to try:

  • Talk to God about it. You will quickly learn that he hates bitterness, especially amongst his children.

  • When in doubt, go to the Word of God. It will never steer you wrong. Ephesians 4:31 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”

  • Talk to the person you are feeling bitter towards. This part isn’t easy. In fact, I hate confrontation, but I have found the beauty of honesty and forgiveness through some tough but fruitful conversations.

Your bitterness is hurting you infinitely more than it is hurting the source of your bitterness. The sooner you address it, the better off you will be in all areas of your life.

By Alleigha Bizik, Psychology Major at Northwest University