Day 36: No Idea

 There is a really bizarre story in the book of Numbers about a prophet named Balaam. The backstory is that Israel was making their way to the Promised Land and their fame was causing fear in all the surrounding inhabitants. So, the king of Moab, Balak (try to keep their two names straight), came up with a plan. King Balak asks the prophet Balaam to pronounce curses on Israel.

King Balak offers Balam money, fame, and power, but Balaam refused to curse Israel. Balaam seems to either serve Yahweh or at least know enough to not curse Yahweh’s people. The story goes on for three chapters, including a very weird story involving an angel and a donkey. In desperation, King Balak takes Balam to the mountaintop that overlooks where Israel is encamped. Balak begs and pleads Balaam to curse Israel, but Balaam instead blesses Israel. When Balak asks Balaam why he blessed Israel, Balaam responds, “Must I not take care to speak what the Lord puts in my mouth?”.
Even though he is not a part of God’s people, Balaam knows that he can only say what God says. Somehow this foreigner is subservient to Yahweh. God is blessing Israel, so Balaam has to as well. This plan that King Balak had to bring curses on Israel actually ended up being flipped to bring blessing on Israel. So, what’s my point?
Read Numbers 22-24
My point is not that God uses bad things for good, even though He does. My point is not that we should only say and do what God wants us to, even though we should. My point is found in the obvious detail that is often missed in this story.
As far as we know, Israel has no idea that this is even going on. Israel is encamped in a valley completely unaware that on a mountaintop above them, Balak and Balaam were going back and forth. Balak and Balaam never interact with Israel. Israel never looks up and sees Balaam pronouncing blessings from a distant mountain. They seem to be completely unaware. And that is my point this time. God was blessing His people and protecting His people behind the scenes and they never even knew about it.
Question to Consider:
Is it possible that God is taking care of you in ways that you are completely unaware of?
Father, thank you for everything that you do for me. Thank you for another day to wake up. Thank you for another day that you sustain me. Thank you for all the good things that you have in store for me. And also thank you for all of the things that I do not see that you are doing for me.