Day 38: Stay Uncomfortable
Sitting in our room, eating ice cream, watching Netflix, playing X-Box. Comfortable. Not bad things, just comfortable.
These things that make us comfortable can tend to make us not want to have any form of discomfort. Why is that? Why would we allow things that are not inherently bad make us stop stretching ourselves as people?
I believe one of the most common areas that this affects a believer is when it comes to outreach. This is not just about going to the run-down parts of our neighborhoods to speak with the homeless and addicted, even though that is an amazing form of outreach. This is about outreach in the daily grind of life.
Read Acts 16:25-40
In this story, we get to see a glimpse of the not-so-comfortable lives of Paul and Silas. In this moment, in a cold dark prison, they made a choice. This choice was to praise God, even when it did not make any sense.
We have a similar choice to make every day: The choice to represent Christ to our friends. This does not just mean being a good person. There are times where just being nice and friendly may be all that someone needs, but it cannot be all that we are willing to do. In the end, we must be willing to be uncomfortable.
Questions to Consider:
What are the things that are not just consuming your time but are also consuming your thoughts? Who are the people that you could be uncomfortable with today and talk with about your faith?
Lord, make me comfortable with being uncomfortable for your name. Not only lead me to the people that I could talk to about you, but lead people to me and show me what it is you want me to share with them.
By Caleb Smith