Day 4: Available & Interruptible
One of the things I love about Jesus is how available he was during his time here. He was available and he was interruptible. In the gospel, we see that Jesus gets interrupted by children, the sick and hurting, and concerned family members of those who were not doing well. People came to him and asked for his help, for his touch, for his attention.
Read Mark 5:21-43 to see how Jesus was interrupted.
Jesus’ response to them was one of welcoming. He welcomed them as if his whole mission and the whole reason he came to be with us, was to be with us.
The two most valuable things in the world are your time and your money. You can always make more money, but you cannot make more time. Therefore, giving someone your time is one of the most valuable things you could give them. It’s a very loving feeling to be on the receiving end of someone’s time.
I can think of people in my life who have willingly given me their time, even when it was not necessarily convenient for them. People who let me come over unannounced, who paused their TV show, who chose to stay up later than they were intending, who put their project off to the side for a few minutes, to look me in the eye and engage.
Questions to consider:
What would happen if we lived more available and interruptible? What if you left for your class 10 minutes earlier, even if you only need 5 minutes to get there? Perhaps then you could pause and acknowledge the person you pass walking up the hill, rather than just rushing from one thing to the next. How can you be more available and interruptible?
Jesus, thank you for being interruptible and available to us. Help me to see interruptions in my day as opportunities. Soften my heart. Give me patience and help me to love the people you put in front of me.
By Hayley Hanford, GPC Area Coordinator