Day 40: Working For The Harvest

 The word harvest is common in Christian circles, and it’s generally used to encourage those walking through difficult times.

“Take heart, your harvest is coming!”
“I know it is hard now, but remember that He will bring harvest from your work!”
“Persevere and He will reward you with a plentiful harvest!”
How often do we hear these Christianese phrases? My intention is not to diminish their significance; these phrases are true, He will bring an incredible harvest if we’re faithful. However, we too often categorize the time prior to the harvest as work, and the harvest as simply a time of rest and replenishing.  Let’s consider for a moment the requirements of raising crops. The soil must be evaluated and tilled, rows must be created, seeds have to be planted and cared for. The sowing and growing process is by no means easy. The next step is the harvest, which is the most rewarding, but let me remind you, the fresh crops don’t just pop out of the ground and onto the dinner table. The season of harvest is the most labor intensive of all. It has to be done at a precise time, in a precise way, and with great diligence. The farmer, as much as he might like to, can’t just sit back and watch over his crops during the season of harvest.
“He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame.” (Proverbs 10:5, ESV)
Don’t miss the harvest because you misunderstood the nature of agriculture. The harvest is the hardest part! Though reaping what we have sown is rewarding, it cannot be overlooked or regarded as easy. Reaping requires intentionality and effort. We cannot sleep through our time of harvest, and as Christians we are called to diligently follow through with what we have sown. What good is beginning if we don’t finish well?
Question to Consider
In what areas of my life can I practice intentional follow through, and what harvest has God already put in my life that I can be tending to at this point?
God, grant me your wisdom to recognize when times of harvest have come, and provide me with the perseverance to effectively reap what you have helped me to sow. Most of all, let what I sow and reap be for the benefit of you and your kingdom, not my own.

By Hannah Madsen, NU Student