Day 41: Live in Step With The Holy Spirit

 Read Galatians 5:16, 22-26

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
The Holy Spirit is not merely a pre-workout you take to get pumped up in a worship service, or a cold brew you drink after only four hours of sleep. The Holy Spirit is not just an energy boost or a 5-Hour Energy. This type of mentality will produce a lopsided understanding of the presence of God, especially pertaining to worship services. Pastor Steven Furtick put it this way: “Hype is what you get in worship services when everyone can see you. Hope is what you have when no one is looking.” Hype is not bad, and often it is genuine. But hope is what we want most, and that can be found by walking in step with the Holy Spirit.
Here is the best part: I am fairly certain you are probably already doing this to some degree. God is speaking in your life, and you hear Him. Through sermons, professors, friends, prayer, Bible reading, and pastors; I bet you are hearing God’s voice. Whether or not you are listening to it is the big question. Are you hearing his words and putting them into action? That is how you build your house on the Rock. That is how you walk in step with the Spirit. You hear his still small voice in the wind, and in faith you obey because you love and trust your Father. One step at a time.
So, today, be encouraged that God is with you and beckoning to keep in step with Him. Like a bicycle, He is pushing his pedal down, and now it is your turn to push your pedal down. Like a dance, you and God together move in sync. So dance with Him. Pedal with Him. Sing loudly with and too Him. Talk with Him. Live with Him. And you will naturally keep in step with Him.

Lord, I want to keep in step with your Holy Spirit today—not lagging behind or trying to run ahead. Help me to hear your voice clearly. Give me courage to heed your directions without hesitation. 

By Micah Lorenz