Day 42: Missional Living- Where Do We Start?

 As we begin to realize the magnitude of what Jesus did for us upon the cross, we cannot help but realize that life is not about our selfish gain. As we become less and Jesus becomes more, reaching others becomes a passion that we cannot contain. And that call, to spread the name of Jesus, is one that we all share as children of God.

So where do we start? How do we begin to live from a missional mindset, not just keeping our relationship with Christ for our own enjoyment or within the Christian community, but rather spreading the life and the freedom in Him to everyone we meet?
There are two thoughts we can consider: 1) What fruit is my spirit producing? 2) Do my actions align with and outshine my words?
As believers, we have the Spirit of Christ inside of us. Therefore, our spirit has the ability to live out the fruits of the Spirit, found in Galatians 5, if we choose to walk in Christ’s footsteps. As we walk closely with him, we see bitterness changing to joy, hate transforming into love, anger changing into gentleness. This takes an active choice to live out of the essence of our new creation, one with Christ versus the world.
Actions speak louder than words. James 2:14-26 talks all about how faith without deeds is dead. We all know that person whose actions and the way they treat other people remind us of how Jesus walked. They love people the way God would love them. But here’s the best part. It’s not done out of a heart that’s pressured towards perfection. It’s one that is full of grace. It’s done by walking with grace in our own weaknesses. This grace and recognition that it’s not in our own strength is what gives us a pure walk full of actions that point people to Jesus.
Read John 15:1-8Luke 6:45
Questions to consider:
What fruit is my life producing? Do my actions align and outshine my words?
God, thank you that I have your spirit in me. I pray that you would open my eyes to the world around me. Help me to see others as you see them, and may my actions be a daily overflowing of your spirit. May others know you by your presence in me. 

By Brittany Basso