Day 45: Mornings at Any Time of the Day

 Lamentations 3:21-23 "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

I have always been a big morning person. I love the stillness and quietness of a new morning; that feeling of a fresh new start. No matter how long a day might feel, you know that you can have a new beginning the next morning. 
Although I love mornings, I am not a big fan of change. Change doesn't seem exciting and refreshing to me like a new morning does. To me, change means leaving something behind and going into the unknown. But isn't that what a morning is like too? We leave behind the day before and all we have to grasp onto is the Lord's faithfulness towards us. 
If I believe that the Lord is always faithful towards me, it means that I am trusting that He will be with me in the change. That sometimes I need to say, "Okay Lord, I am leaving the past behind and clinging to Your love in what is to come". He wants nothing more than to reassure us that He is with us and He is our ultimate peace. When we put our trust in Him, change might feel a little bit more like a new morning does, no matter what time of day it is.
What areas of my life have I not fully given into the hands of the Lord?
Lord, help me to trust that you are always with me and will never leave me. Thank you that your compassions for me never fail. As I go about my day, help me to trust that you are always in control. Amen.

By Grace Savage, NU Student