Day 9: Tune My Heart
“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” is a hymn written by Robert Robinson. I’ve been reflecting on one of the lyrics in this hymn that says, "Tune my heart to sing thy grace."
I've been thinking about how I want my whole life to be "tuned" according to God's plan. I want my heart and my life and my choices to play the right notes. Notes that make beautiful music and sound like the Father's song. Notes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control.
Tuning an instrument means that different strings are tightened or loosened or stretched a bit. I think we are a lot like instruments.
What in my life do I need to let God tighten? What do I need him to loosen? If I'm honest, I think what I need is to tighten is my gaze upon him and my trust in him. And I need to loosen my tight grip of worry, fear, and exhaustion that I've been holding onto. He's been tuning me through different circumstances, relationships, sermons, and lessons lately. Can I just say, sometimes having your heartstrings stretched hurts?
The thing about instruments is that they will always need tuning, especially after long use or multiple jam sessions. We're the same way. We will always need to make sure our heart's notes are "in tune." If we are being honest, it's so easy to be just a little bit “off-tune” and not even realize it. Or to be EXTREMELY “off-tune” and pretend we are totally fine.
All this to say, there's nothing wrong with needing some tuning. We're all instruments after all.
Read 1 John 2:6, Ephesians 5:22-23
Questions to consider:
What do I need to let God tighten in my life? What do I need him to loosen?
Jesus, give me the strength and ability to reflect on the tune of my heart. Show me where I need you to tighten and loosen some things in my life and in my heart. I want my heart to sing your grace.
Hayley Hanford, GPC Area Coordinator