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As you begin to spend time with God, settle yourself somewhere quiet and comfortable. Take some deep breaths. Spend a few minutes in silence, becoming aware of God’s presence with you and in you.  


Let your mind settle. Silently read the Scripture for this week: Mark 4.35-41 & 5:1-43.  


Read the Scripture again, this time aloud. Listen for a word, phrase, or section that grabs your attention. Write down any questions about the passage that you have. When you finish, close your eyes. Recall the word or phrase, taking it in and mulling it over. Write down what comes to mind. 


  • Mark shows us multiple miracles that happened in this short period of time all around the Sea of Galilee. Often, these accounts are preached as separate sermons. What do you take away from the account as a whole?  

    • What do we learn about Jesus from each of these miracles?   

    • How do the different miracles happen?  

    • In what ways are these accounts different from one another?  

    • In what ways are these accounts similar to one another? 

    • What things does Jesus have power over, according to these accounts?

  • Forms of the Greek word pisteuo are used multiples times in these accounts. Pisteuo translates to our modern-day word for “belief” and “faith”. A great way to understand these words is to replace them with the word “trust”  

    • In what ways do these stories invite you to trust Jesus?  

    • What storms, demons, sicknesses, or longstanding problems can you trust Jesus with this week? 


Read Mark 4:35-41 & 5:1-43 one last time, stopping and listening for who Jesus is inviting you to become and what He is inviting you to do this week. Write down what comes to mind.  

Talk with Jesus about it.  


Our practice this week as a community is a prayer discipline known as Lectio Divina. The first 1,500 years of church history were characterized by this practice and since many were illiterate and many didn’t have or couldn’t read or have bibles used this practice to attend scripture with an ear to hearing a word from God. This exercises divine companionship and practices listening to the ways God may be speaking to us through scripture as it is inspired by God. Some practical ways to practice this discipline are: 

  • Read John 15:1-8

  • Silencio- Put yourself in the presence of God. Become quiet and offer yourself to God. 

  • Lectio- Read the scripture aloud, allowing the words to resonate with your heart. Linger on a word or phrase that catches your attention and sit with it, maybe God has brought it your attention intentionally.  

  • Mediatio- Read the passage again and see where the word connects with your life right now. Enter into the scene with your imagination. What do you hear and experience as you imagine yourself in the scene of the scripture?  

  • Oratio- Read the scripture one more time, listening attentively. How has God addressed you in this Word and invited you to respond? Allow the scripture to lead you into a prayer response. Do not censure your thoughts or requests and let them flow out spontaneously and freely before the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit, what truth are you saying to me, reminding me, or encouraging me? 

  • Contemplatio- Deeply receive God’s word and rest in his presence and love. Give yourself some time to wait and be still before you reenter life as usual. Take God’s Word with you throughout the day.  

Additional Practice:

  • Trust List: create a list of things to pray about and trust Jesus with each day this week. Pray for them once or twice each day. 

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