Watch Week 2 Video (2-5 minutes)
Open With Prayer (2-10 minutes)
Invite the Holy Spirit to be present, illuminate the Scriptures, and to have Jesus’ will be done today in the group.
Read This Overview
This week we are talking about NOTICING. We are going to pause, slow down, invite the Holy Spirit to speak to us, and take an inward, honest, and holistic look at ourselves. The Holy Spirit is wanting to partner with us to discern the areas of our hearts, our minds, our emotions, and our habits that need Jesus. We are broken people because of sin, but forgiveness from our sin and new life is found through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Restoration is intricately connected with who we are becoming.
This begins with noticing the areas that the Holy Spirit wants to work on us. Where do you need healing from broken relationships? Where is God desiring to do a deep restorative work within you? What are distractions that are keeping you from growth? What the things you run towards to cope with your pain? In Psalm 139:23-24 it says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” God is leading you in the everlasting. The enemy—the devil, the world, the flesh—does not want you to grow and become who God desires. The enemy desires we stay immature, fearful, and apathetic; he will use all sorts of lies, tricks, distractions, and harm to keep us from God and from us becoming like Jesus. Ephesians 6:10-12 encourages us, saying, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual force of evil in the heavenly realms.” Change is often slow, so do not feel hurried in your spiritual formation. Just humbly and boldly ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate where God is wanting to work in your heart right now, in this season.
As a Group (10-30 minutes)
Together we are going to slow down. The goal is to be unhurried. To dialogue with God.
Put your phone, Apple Watch, and other devices on Do Not Disturb and away.
Take a few deep breaths. Smile a bit. Laugh to yourself. Be present.
Slow down to enjoy loving union with Jesus.
If weather is decent, how about we go for a walk.
Take notice of the things around you. How do the people around you look? What is that you smell? How does your body feel? How does your mind feel? What is your soul saying? Let your whole self just breath for a bit. God is aware of everything you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing. Smile at someone as you walk. Try keeping your head up. Again, the goal is not to rush.
Talk with God. Maybe it has been awhile since you just said hi to Him. He's not mad. Not even a little bit.
Goal is to be present with God.
Talk with God about the following questions:
What are specific unhealthy thoughts, beliefs, wounds, habits, and or sins that the Spirit wants to collaborate with me to heal and/or fight?
What baggage might I have from relationships (i.e. family, friends, church, leaders, authority figures, etc.)?
What are some traps or unhealthy patterns that I engage in? How do I cope when I am worried, sad, exhausted, angry, bored, cynical, lonely, insecure, or feeling like a failure?
What area of growth do you feel God wants to focus on in this current season? (ex: trusting Jesus and finances, working on loneliness, healing from past emotional wounds, learning to sabbath, etc.)
God is madly in love with you.
Talk Together (10-20 minutes)
Come back together as a whole group.
In smaller groups of 3-4 ask each other the same questions:
What are specific unhealthy thoughts, beliefs, wounds, habits, and or sins that the Spirit wants to collaborate with me to heal and/or fight?
What baggage might I have from relationships (i.e. family, friends, church, leaders, authority figures, etc.)?
What are some traps or unhealthy patterns that I engage in? How do I cope when I am worried, sad, exhausted, angry, bored, cynical, lonely, insecure, or feeling like a failure?
What area of growth do you feel God wants to focus on in this current season? (ex: trusting Jesus and finances, working on loneliness, healing from past emotional wounds, learning to sabbath, etc.)
This Week’s Practice
Slow down again. For at least 30 minutes. The goal is to be unhurried.
Put your phone, Apple Watch, and other devices on Do Not Disturb.
Take a few deep breaths.
Smile a bit.
Be present.
Slow down and enjoy loving union with Jesus.
Maybe stay in your room, in your car, in the lounge or coffee shop. Take notice of things around you. How do the people around you look? How are they feeling? What is that you smell? How does your body feel? Or your mind and soul? Let your whole self just breath for a bit.
Maybe take a walk.
Smile at someone as you walk. Keep your head up. Without rushing.
Say hi to God.
Maybe it has been awhile since you just said hi to Him. He's not mad. Not even a little bit.
Close Life Group in Prayer (2-10 minutes)
For Further Study
Psalm 139:1-4; Proverbs 4:23; Jeremiah 17:8-11; Ephesians 6:10-12; Romans 8:1-5